open goal project
our programs
our story
our mission
our vision
our method
our team
summer camps
college id camps
futbol fitness
our story
our mission
our vision
our method
our team
our programs
summer camps
college id camps
futbol fitness
open goal project
even the field, change the game.
First Name
Last Name
Birthdate/Fecha de Nacimiento
Grade/Grado en Escuela
Current GPA/GPA actualmente
Phone Number/Numero de telefono
Email/Correo Electronico
School and Soccer Experience (please list any teams you have played for)/Escribe una lista de sus equipos de futbol (escuela y club)
Asian/Pacific Islander
Native American
Wish Not To Say
Do you receive free/reduced lunch?/Recibes almuerzo libre o descuento en la escuela?
Emergency Contact Information - Name/Contacto de Emergencia - Nombre
First Name
Last Name
Emergency Contact Information - Phone Number/Contacto de Emergencia - Numero de Telefono
Media, Liability, and Medical Release
to be completed by parent/guardian *I, the undersigned, certify that I am the parent or legal guardian of the above-mentioned Participant. I hereby authorize my minor child named above to attend and participate in Open Goal Project programming, including all activities related to Open Goal Project. I understand that my minor child must obey all established rules and follow the instructions of the person in charge of these activities. I consent to and understand that the person in charge of Open Goal Project or agents have the right to dismiss my child who is in their opinion a hazard to the safety and well-being of others. Prior to the participation of my minor child, I acknowledge that there are certain risks associated with certain Open Goal Project Activities, including, by way of example, physical injury due to activity-related accidents, and physical injury due to transportation-related accidents, illness, or even death. I acknowledge that there may be other risks inherent in these activities of which I may not be presently aware. Accordingly, I acknowledge that participation in such activities involves certain dangers and risks which may expose my child to hazards of bodily injury or property damage, and which may result in my child being unable to contact me or being unable to receive immediate medical care and assistance if injury occurs. ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY: By signing this parental consent and release of liability form (checking the box below), I expressly warrant that my child named above is capable of withstanding both the physical and mental demands associated with any Open Goal Project activity for which he or she is registered. I also expressly assume all risks to my child’s participation in Open Goal Project, whether such risks are known or unknown to me at this time, including, but not limited to personal injury, death, property loss, or other damages which may result from my child’s participation in Open Goal Project or in any associated programs or activities. In recognition of these risks and realities, and in consideration of my child being offered the opportunity to participate in and benefit from Open Goal Project Activities, I, on behalf of myself and my child, hereby release, waive, and disclaim any and all liabilities of or claims, including those which arise out of negligence, against Open Goal Project and all of their officers, board members, agents, faculty, employees, and all private persons or organizations providing services to transport, supervise, or chaperone my child while participating in Open Goal Project activities including, but not limited to any or all liabilities or claims for personal injury, property damage, court costs, attorneys’ fees and interest, however, caused or accrued, as a result of my child participating in Open Goal Project. MEDIA RELEASE: I hereby give the Open Goal Project -- and their legal representatives and assigns, the right and permission to photograph, digitally record, videotape, or audio tape, my above-named child while he/she is participating in any Open Goal Project activities. I further agree that any or all of the material recorded may be used, in any form, in publications, including electronic publications, or in audio-visual presentations, promotional literature, advertising, or in other similar ways, and that such use shall be without payment of fees, royalties, special credit, or other compensation. I understand that all such recordings, in whatever medium, shall remain the property of the entity that made or commissioned them. MEDICAL AUTHORIZATION / CONSENT FOR MEDICAL TREATMENT OF A MINOR: I recognize that there may be occasions where the minor child named above, may be in need of first aid or emergency medical or dental treatment as a result of an accident, illness, or other health condition or injury. Therefore, I authorize any Open Goal Project or Adult Volunteer, in whose care the minor child has been entrusted, to consent to any X-ray, examination, anesthetic, medical, surgical or dental diagnosis or treatment, and hospital care, to be rendered to the minor as permitted by the laws of the jurisdiction in which such treatment is required by the medical staff of a licensed hospital, whether such diagnosis or treatment is rendered at the office of said physician or at said hospital. In so doing, I agree to pay all fees and costs arising from this action to obtain medical treatment. As parent or legal guardian of my minor child (Participant named above), I am responsible for the health care decisions of my minor child and am authorized to consent to the services to be rendered. I represent that my consent to, and agreement to pay for, dental, medical, and/or hospital care or treatment to be rendered to my minor child is legally sufficient and that no consent from any other person is required. By checking the box below, I authorize any Open Goal Project staff, in whose care the minor child has been entrusted to authorize any hospital or physician or other health care provider to bill the following insurance company or companies for the payment of any services rendered to the minor child. I agree to assume responsibility for the charges for such care as rendered to the above named minor child. I authorize any hospital, physician, or other health care provider to release information from the minor child's medical record to the insurance company named below, in connection with the completion of any insurance claim form. CHOICE OF LAW: This agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the District of Columbia without respect for its choice of law provisions. By checking the box below, I acknowledge that I have read, understood and agreed to the information above. All releases, authorizations and permission granted above shall remain in effect unless revoked in writing by the undersigned to Open Goal Project. I agree to the terms and conditions by checking the box below *
*Yes I agree
Sign Your Name Here */Firma con tu nombre*
First Name
Last Name
Thank you!